Finally, our second Elsa DisneyBound is out! In our first Queen Elsa DisneyBound, we focused on her regalness and elegance. But in this one, we’re ready to take on the summer heat and keep you comfortable while you’re in line for Frozen Ever After.
The tank top perfectly matches Elsa’s dress, while the hassle-free purse will hold all your necessities! Plus, you can’t go wrong with a pair of white shorts and shoes. My favorite part of this outfit has to be the earrings, though–they’re the subtle hint of Elsa that makes this outfit a full-fledged stylish DisneyBound!
Also, you can re-use some of the pieces below for other DisneyBounds. The shirt works great for an Alice, R2-D2, Andy, or Roo (Winnie the Pooh) DisneyBound, while the shorts are perfect for a Pegasus (Hercules), Jane, Cinderella, Belle, or Daisy Duck outfit!
Love this outfit? Check out the links below to buy the clothes in this collage! And, when you’re showing off your Theme Park Style, remember to tag us: @themeparkstyle and #themeparkstyle #disneyside. We might reach out to feature you in our next weekly newsletter!