Is this the best Ariel DisneyBound I’ve created so far? Probably! Whether you’re visiting Ariel at Magic Kingdom, or just exploring where the people are, this outfit has you covered. It’s perfect for combatting the summertime heat and will keep you comfortable even in that mainland sun.
I think the jewelry is a nice touch on this one–sure, a green bottom and purple top are technically enough to DisneyBound as Ariel, but the maritime accents drive this one home. Plus, this top can also be used for a Daisy Duck, Mrs. Potts, and Cri-Kee Disneybound!
Love this outfit? Check out the links below to buy the clothes in this collage! And, when you’re showing off your Theme Park Style, remember to tag us: @themeparkstyle and #themeparkstyle #disneyside. We might reach out to feature you in our next weekly newsletter!