When someone says, “I have nothing to wear!” What they really mean is
“There’s nothing here for who I’m supposed to be today.”
I started Theme Park Style because I love dressing to fit my personality of the day. Or the occasion of the day. Or, in the case of this website, the character of the day. Well, and of course because I love Disney.
But those aren’t the only reasons. I was seeing amazing collages (by DisneyBound and others), but there were a few things missing.
For one, I didn’t know where to get these clothes and accessories I was loving. And I just didn’t have the time to sift through my shopping sites every. single. time. But I also saw a need to understand how to shop your closet, as well as create capsules you can reuse for Disney villains, princesses, Star Wars, Dapper Days, and more. I mean, imagine having a capsule wardrobe you can pack up and take with you to Disney and have all the characters you need at your fingertips!
So I told my friends about my idea for Theme Park Style, and I was surprised that many of them didn’t even know that dressing as characters (DisneyBounding) was a thing. I mean, what? I found myself explaining what theme park style is, how to do it, how to shop their closets, where to find pieces they didn’t have, and how to build a wardrobe that worked for everyday outfits as well as theme park style.
If I wanted it and they needed it, I thought you might too, so I created this site for all of us. I want it to be a strong community. Why not join us over in the Facebook Group? We’d love to see what you’re up to and talk DisneyBounding!
INCLUSIVE. Immersive. Fun.
Inclusive. Above all, Theme Park Style is about community. If you’ve never dressed as a character before, you belong here. If you just like to look at the styles, you belong here. If you’re a seasoned pro who plans a wardrobe around character styles, you belong here. And when you wear your theme park style, you’re part of the bigger community. Strangers in the know will nod in acknowledgment or maybe give you a high five. You’re part of the community, and we’re so glad you’re here. Welcome! Follow us on IG–@themeparkstyle. Use #themeparkstyle to be sure we see your style! And join us on Facebook to show off your latest style or ask questions.
Immersive. When you sport your theme park style, you’re not just ready to visit a park; you’re ready to be part of the park. You can’t wear a costume in the parks, but you can sport some theme park style. And just wait until your favorite character sees you dressed like them!
Fun. I have yet to see a frown on anyone who has embraced theme park style. How could you be grumpy when your favorite characters and their friends are so excited to meet you? It’s exciting to have others recognize your creativity and style. When you’re theme park stylin’ compliments are the currency of the day!